Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Tiny Needle Tuesday 12/6/22

 Good Morning All,

It's a damp morning.  Still dark, so I can't really see if it is doing anything out there just yet...but my computer says sleet off and on for the next 2 hours.  Fun...or not so much.

Let's see what's happening in the TNT world.  A bit of stitching was done on each of the 3 pieces in current rotation for me, but both the Praise Loudly Blame Softly and the Crazy Long Legged Bird pieces only got a little love and not really enough to show.  Ellen Harrison is the one that really grabbed my attention in the last week.

I was so happy to finish the top portion of this sampler.  

It cracks me up how she ran out of room for the last word in the second line...so it went on the top line (youth).  The whole line reads "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth."  Next I stitched the red and white border under that row and then the fun started...finally!  I was at the point where I started the motifs below the wording.

Just a start, but it was fun!  There are birds, a boat, some plants, etc. to stitch.  Then a big white house and an even bigger stag.  Proportions don't really count for much in samplers which I think adds to the charm of a piece.

I've shown this previously, but here is a look at what the sampler will look like when I finish it:

Obviously there is still a lot of stitching to be done on this piece!  This will keep me busy for some time to come.

Well, the weather is supposed to be pretty much crap all day long...rainy and temps hovering in the low to mid-forties, but by evening it will get up to 50.  Colin is stopping by for dinner one last time tonight, and it will be wonderful to see him again.  We plan to just order from a new local Mexican restaurant.

Have a great Tuesday!!


  1. Despite being adept at stitching, it doesn't look like Ellen could count ahead very well! That stag is impressive and like you say, we'll have plenty of time to admire this sampler in the future. Have a lovely dinner with Colin and safe travels to him when he returns to TX.

  2. I had to embiggen the image of the whole sampler to see if she snuck in the missing word somewhere! We're expecting a similarly wet (but mild) day here, so I guess it's a good thing a big project landed in my inbox at the end of the day yesterday -- I won't be missing anything outside. Have a nice dinner with Colin!

  3. Dreary and misty here for Sherman's first walk of the day! Just enough to be miserable.

    Your stitching is now to the fun part... all those fun little "bits" to stitch!

    Enjoy your dinner with Colin!

  4. Such a funny and charming piece to stitch.
    We're gloomy today with rain later. I'm fine with anything that isn't You Know What.

  5. Watching the progression of the bottom segment of the sampler will be fun. I bet it’s fun to stitch, too.

  6. That's a very involved piece! It's looking great so far

  7. Ellen is so different. Anxious to see progress!

  8. I love Ellen's sampler and your stitching of it. Does that make sense? Sometimes the imperfect is very charming and feels so real.

  9. Ellen Harrison is my kind of stitcher. Why rip it out when it can just be declared a design feature? It really is a beautiful piece. Such elegant chaos.

  10. I like the stitching--relaxed but quirky! lol

  11. That is such a cool sampler, Vera. I am looking forward to watching it come to life over the next bits of time. XO
