Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 12/18/24

 Hello My Friends,

Tell is it possible that Christmas is only a week away.  Yikes!!  And Happy Birthday to Lori, my sister-in-law...Fletch's youngest sibling.

The other week when Phil was visiting, he visited a pottery studio on the Eastern Shore and brought us a gorgeous vase.  I finally got some greenery and flowers to put in it.

As usual, a messy kitchen - medicines and papers and pill boxes everywhere...oh well, c'est la vie.  I've since added some red berries to the mix.

I did not have all that much luck with my shopping yesterday.  First I drove quite a distance to one store only to find that it has closed...permanently.  Then I drove a bit more to a store where I have always been able to find great gifts only to find it has turned into primarily a coffee shop/bistro.  That was disappointing.  But, it was a lovely day for a drive and it felt like Spring!  On my way home I was behind a car with this sticker that just cracked me up.

My new mantra:  Read Books, Be Kind, Stay Weird

Last night I did manage to bake two batches of cookies:  basil-lime shortbread and cardamom cookies.  Both turned out well and today I will be making a few more kinds.  But first it's Unraveled Wednesday and time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.

Not much making has been going on here (other than cookies).  Just a tad more on Colin's second sock.  I think I am now 2/3 down the foot so theoretically it shouldn't be long before I finish these.  Theoretically.

On the reading side, Fletch and I are closing in on the end of "The Mind of the Raven" by Bernd Heinrich.  Whew.  What a long read (or listen I guess).  Most of it has been too much like a lecture.  But I have a new book waiting for us to read and it will be wonderful if we can start it on the 21st.  It's a book of tales about looking for light.  I bought The Return of the Light last year when I picked up "Winter Solstice," but never read it.  Now is the time!

On my own, I read Ritz and Escoffier by Luke Barr.  Though interesting, I don't think this book was as well written as Luke Barr's other book Provence 1970 which I really enjoyed.

One of my errands today will be stopping at the library where 3 or 4 books are waiting for me to pick them up.  Always good to have options!

Remember to head over to Kat's got see what everyone is up to.  I'm betting you will find inspiration.


  1. You should be able to finish up that sock in no time! I hope you have some good reading options in that library pick-up. And I love that mantra and might have to adopt it as well, seeing as I already read plenty of books and am pretty weird!

  2. Your cookies sound delicious and are the perfect kind of making for this time of year. I bet you'll be done with Colin's socks quite soon and I hope your library run provides some good reading material. Return of the Light sounds interesting and I'm going to see if any of my libraries have it when I finish here. I also love that bumper sticker and wouldn't mind one having one myself!

  3. What a perfect mantra!!! I hope you have a wonderful day, Vera -- stress-free with plenty of time for reaidng and knitting. XO

  4. Those meds must be working because you sound like you are feeling better! Woo! I love that new vase... it is really beautiful! What a lovely gift! I think I will pick up some greens from Trader Joe's when I am there tomorrow and do something similar! What inspiration you are Vera! I think that sock could be finished while watching an episode of Shetland... just saying!

  5. Theoretically... famous last word! haha. Your cookies sound absolutely wonderful!! I haven't done any baking, but you had me at basil-lime!

  6. too bad your shopping trip wasn't fruitful. I avoid the stores like the plague at this time of year. I have to do groceries on Friday and I am not looking forward to it!

  7. Cookies....yum. I need to stop thinking about making them and actually make some. The flowers are beautiful. Your arrangement is lovely.

  8. I love that bumper stick, it's a great approach to life. Tell me more about the cardamom cookies when you get a chance, please. I can't help but thinking how I wish you were visiting MY library today.

  9. Oh, man. Both of those cookie recipes sound right up my alley. If you share the cardamom recipe, I'd like to get in line behind Carole. (I've been putting pears and cardamom in my oatmeal lately. Cookies would be a nice....expansion!)
    I have gotten into the habit of checking if stores are still open before I go. Since the pandemic, I find so many have that sad google notification of "Permanently Closed." (Though there's certainly merit in going anyway -- because who knows who or what might've moved in in their place?)
    The best 15 minutes of my dad was spent browsing shelves at the neighboring town's library (11 minutes away). I'd read an essay in Orion by Pitchaya Sudbanthad and had to get my hands on his novel, Bangkok Wakes to Rain. Hope I like his fiction as much as his non-fiction!

  10. The baking goods sound great! What a gorgeous vase indeed--it looks like one you stitch in your fancy samplers!

  11. my first visit to your blog since IRIS was born - congratulations on your new names (what ARE your new names?!) and so glad to see that everyone is home and doing well ... (hope you are feeling better too!) Christmas will come when it comes ... and y'all can celebrate in January if you want to!

  12. That was a very pretty gift from your brother-in-law. I like the flowers you chose to go inside. I confess that I did most of my shopping this year on Amazon. I did go to a few small shops here, but after being gone so long, many of the stores I used to go to are no longer here. I don't like driving in the heavy holiday traffic either.
    The cookies sound wonderful and I laughed out loud at the bumper sticker. :-)

  13. You must be feeling much better!

  14. we are planning to go to the mall to soak in the vibes, I do not need anything in particular which means I'll be buying things. Love the socks!!

  15. What a beautiful vase and terrific sock for Colin. The bumper sticker is a good one. Thanks for the smile.
