Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 12/17/24

 Good Morning All,

To say I've been distracted is quite an understatement!  Fletch and I did get over to the hospital on Friday to meet our granddaughter.  Bonus:  I got to hold her for an hour!!  And she was good.  Mostly she dozed and then would wrinkle her tiny forehead when she had some gas (as babies do).  They are home now, coming home a day early on Saturday (C&M were horribly bored in the hospital).  And Iris had her first visit with her pediatrician on Monday and all is well.

I, on the other hand, am not so well.  I managed to come down with whatever bronchial infection my brother brought from Colorado.  I woke up in the night Saturday (as one does) coughing.  By Sunday morning I could barely speak.  I slept most of the day and around 12 hours that night.  I'm much better now, but taking it easy and staying away from the kids and baby.  We will all be together on Christmas.

But, because of distractions and not feeling well, not much stitching has been done.  Just a little.

The left side of the house is now being built and look!  The top half of a woman has appeared (she has long hair and is wearing a big hat with a brim).  (Click to enlarge)

It is pretty obvious now that this will not be finished by year-end.  That's fine with me - I don't have the brain power to pick out a new project.

The hope now is that I will write some Christmas cards, do some Christmas shopping and do some Christmas baking.  That's a lot to accomplish in a week or so.  Some will happen, but most likely not all.  C'est la vie.

I haven't even really been on the computer much.  Here and there I'll read a blog or two, sometimes commenting but mostly not.  I'm looking forward to getting back into my routine.

Meanwhile, I hope you all are doing well and enjoying this holiday time (and not making yourself crazy trying to do it ALL).  I am planning to be back tomorrow with an update (mostly no knitting) for Unraveled Wednesday.  Until then, take care!


  1. It's great news that Mailing felt well enough to go home a day early. I hope her recovery continues at such a promising pace.

    I am sorry that you are ill, however; that's simply not fair. Please rest and take good care. You have a lot to look forward to when you are well.

  2. I'm also glad that C&M&I are home now and completely understand your distraction. I'm sorry that you got sick and I hope that Fletch can stay healthy. Feel better and approach Christmas at a slow pace!

  3. I am also so very happy to read that C&M&I are tucked away at home! That is very good news! This might be the best distraction... ever! I hope you are on the mend soon... and that you prioritize you over trying to get things done! XO

  4. I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well-and with that new baby you would love to snuggle. She sounds like a little dear. I've only seen my newest Grand once and he slept the whole time. No fun there.

  5. Get well Vera, glad all is well with mom and baby.

  6. Take care of yourself, Vera! Hope you're feeling stronger all the time. So happy to hear about little Iris! What a special holiday for all of you. XO

  7. I'm delighted to hear that the new family is home! I hope you're able to get plenty of extra rest so you can kick this illness to the curb and get back to the very important job of baby snuggling.

  8. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well! Hope you're back to 100% soon!

  9. Feel better soon so you can have more Iris time!

  10. So excited you got to hold Iris and enjoy her before you got ill! Hope you bounce back soon.

  11. There is nothing quite like holding a newborn. I hope you are feeling better soon. Amen to not making ourselves crazy this week. I purposely buy cards that convey seasonal greetings. This year it's a good thing. I just started working on them. I put up less decor and am doing less baking in order to enjoy these quiet days.

  12. How wonderful to hold that newborn baby. I just know how full your heart was, brimming over with love for her. So sorry you're sick though. It sounds much like what I had which ended in a sinus infection. My cough has been getting consistently better and my voice was slowly returning...until today. I coughed all night again and tonight my throat is scratchy again. What's up with that?
    I hope you are soon well so you can snuggle that sweet baby on Christmas.

  13. I hope you are feeling better!! there is nothing like holding a QUIET infant, it is bliss.
